My Community Legal Inc. is a membership-based incorporated association.
Please select your membership type below and Apply Online (preferaby) OR fill out and return the Application Form.
My Community Legal Inc. is a Registered Charity, Public Benevolent Institution and Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).
All donations over $2 and membership payments are tax deductible.
Membership Benefits include:
- Recognition of supporting a Gold Coast nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
- Access to social and networking functions with the retired, practising and future legal profession.
- Introductions to the CLC fraternity.
- Introductions to local universities and other sponsor organisations.
- Unique ways to use our brand to recognise your contribution to justice, pro bono publico.
The cost of membership is a tax deduction. The membership form will be a Tax Invoice when you make payment. Please retain a copy of the form for your records.
My Community Legal Inc. ABN 75 853 350 833 is a deductible gift recipient registered with the Australian Taxation Office and registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission as:
- Advancing social or public welfare; and
- A public benevolent institution.
That is a very good question and we are happy to answer it.
My Community Legal has a class-leading and volunteer-leveraging model. In terms of expense per client advice, we are the most efficient Community Legal Centre in the state – by far. Here is where our money goes:
- Wages of our Coordinator (our Principal Lawyer, Committee, advising Lawyers, Law Students and other Volunteers donate ALL their time);
- Rent (at charity rates donated by Gold Coast City Council);
- Membership fees to Community Legal Centres Queensland;
- National Accrediation expenses to Community Legal Centres Australia;
- Professional indemnity, public liability and other insurances;
- Office, stationery and printing expenses.
Please select the desired Membership and click through to online form and payment details.
Default automatic renewal can be disabled on the payment gateway.
Check your junk or spam email folder if you do not receive a payment confirmation email and welcome email.
Please return your completed handwritten Application Form with payment details.
If paying by cheque or cash post to: My Community Legal Inc., PO Box 1310 Southport QLD 4215.
If paying by direct deposit, email payment confirmation to email: george@mycommunitylegal.org.au
We are not registered for GST and no GST is included in the Membership fee.
Personal MembershipUplifting your local, nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
Encouraged for all My Community Legal volunteers and supporters.
Discounted rates for our events.
Personal MembershipUplifting your local, nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
Encouraged for all My Community Legal lawyer volunteers and supporters.
Discounted rates for our events.
1 to 5 StaffUplifting your local, nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
Encouraged for all businesses supporting My Community Legal.
Free Associate or Ordinary membership for your staff.
Discounted rates for our events.
6 to 15 StaffUplifting your local, nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
Encouraged for all businesses supporting My Community Legal.
Free Associate or Ordinary membership for your staff.
Discounted rates for our events.
16 to 50 StaffUplifting your local, nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
Encouraged for all businesses supporting My Community Legal.
Free Associate or Ordinary membership for your staff.
Discounted rates for our events.
51 + StaffUplifting your local, nationally-accredited Community Legal Centre.
Encouraged for all businesses supporting My Community Legal.
Free Associate or Ordinary membership for your staff.
Discounted rates for our events.
Renew Associate Membership
Renew Ordinary Membership